

Som tidligere nævnt i min blog, kan iKnow være lidt perverst.

Men det kan altså også være ret sødt :D

I ♥ iKnow

Grave of the fireflies

Jeg har lige set Grave of the Fireflies / 火垂るの墓 live action filmen.

Den var virkelig sørgelig
( ; A ; )
Jeg tror ikke jeg har grædt så meget til en film i lang tid.

Men den var rigtig god

Har bestilt tegnefilmen fra 1988 på biblioteket, glæder mig vildt meget til at se den \(´∀`)/

Og a propos gode film så så jeg Wall-E den anden dag, og den var overraskende god.
Wall-E er jo sygt nuttet :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:
Og jeg elsker den måde alle menneskerne er så tykke på, det er helt vildt godt der hvor de alle sammen falder ned fra deres stole og ligger i en stor klump og blævrer :D


Miyavi ♥

- - WARNING! This post will contain pointless fangirlizm --

Normalt fangirler jeg ikke ret meget offentligt, men efter det her interview kan jeg altså ikke lade være ( ´ ▽ ` ;;)

Omkring 4:30:
Interview mand: If you could have one power, what would it be?
Miyavi: Become friends with Doraemon
(Oversættelse stjålet fra miyavi_daily)

Bedste svar EVER

@ 4.15 NEE???!?!?!? ♥♥ *dies*)
^ kill me

Og screencap af nogle af Miyavi's Top Friends på Myspace:

Saro + Obama + RENSDYR MAND = :D


Og så for at gøre dette indlæg lidt mindre nederen:

Mine pinke Docs jeg købte i London ♥ ♥ ♥


Hahahah, jeg keder mig og jeg er nederen, så jeg kopierede denne her fra Laila's blog 8D

* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Blue
Hair Color:: Brown
Height:: 170 cm
Favorite Color:: Pink, red and turquoise.
Screen Name:: Nina, HELLOWORLD, rainbowobsession and many more.
Favorite Band:: Streetlight Manifesto (musician: Miyavi)
Favorite Movie:: Probably The Lion King or Battle Royale.
Favorite Show:: Simpsons.
Your Car:: I want a VW Bus 8D
Your Hometown:: Copenhagen
Your Present Town:: Copenhagen
Your Crushes First Name:: ..What's ur name again? 8D
Your Grade:: 1st (Gymnasium)
Your Style:: Different every day. Casual decora-ish, i guess.

* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Yes ♥
Kissed someone in the rain?: No
Danced in a public place?: Yes
Smiled for no reason?: Yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: Yes
Peed your pants after age 8?: Yes (D:)
Written a song?: Not really
Sang to someone for no reason?: Yes
Performed on a stage?: Yes
Talked to someone you don't know?: Yes
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: uhm, what?
Made out in a theatre?: No
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Yes
Been in love?: ..No

* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: My cusin
Tell you, I love you?: My mom or something XD
Kiss you?: Can't remember
Hug you?: My dad
Tell you BYE?: My aunt's husband.
Write you a note?: Dunno.
Take your photo?: My mom.
Call your cell phone?: Mom.
Buy you something?: Of of the persons who gave me Christmas presents yesterday.
Go with you to the movies?: I haven't been in the cinema for a long time, so I don't remember.
Sing to you?: My cusin XD
Write a poem about you?: Eddie. Or was that a song?
Text message you?: Katalin
Touch you?: Like.. in a dirrrty way?

* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: 5 minuts ago, or something.
Time you cried?: Last week.
Movie you watched?: Wall-E ♥
Joke you told?: Dunno
Song you've sang?: Doki doki waku waku.
Time you've looked at the clock?: Just now.
Drink you've had?: Cuba Caramel mixed with hot chocolate and some whipped cream <-- Same as Laila, and it was fucking disgusting D:
Number you've dialed?: Mom
Book you've read?: Tortilla Flat
Food you've eaten?: Chocolate. ..wait, is that food?
Flavor of gum chewed?: Spearmint
Shoes you've worn?: Pink docs ♥
Store you've been in?: DSB Kiosk
Thing you've said?: Can't remember.

* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Yes, but it's ugly with my left hand.
Whistle?: Yes
Blow a bubble?: Yes
Roll your tounge in a circle?: NO D: !!
Cross your eyes?: What's that?
Touch your tounge to your nose?: No
Dance?: ..I try (and fail)
Gleek?: No.
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Yes
Speak a different language?: Yes
Impersonate someone?: Not very good.
Prank call people?: Yes
Make a card pyramid?: A small one
Cook anything?: Yes

* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: panda, i would be happy.
I wish ...: people would smile more.
So many people don't know that ...: can stand on my head.
I am ...: very tired right now.
My heart is ...: gross, i guess.


Christmas was nice bla bla great presents bla bla bed time nao bai.



Så sidder man og bruger 1½ time på en vektor tegning, og så crasher Inkscape.
dsa@kdj&!?DJFH! ARGH.

Det blev ellers så pænt

Men er virkelig ved at blive glad for at lave vektor, det er så dejligt nyt og anderledes fra det jeg er vandt til :D


Jeg var inde og høre Katalin og en masse andre fra KUBA spille på Stengade 30. Fuck, det var fedt. Jeg vidste godt at Katalin sang godt, men ikke SÅ godt OwO
Og der var en vildt god stemning.


Om nom nom

Kitkat peanut butter gør min dag glad >w< <3



I morgen tager jeg til LONDON ヾ(  ̄∇ ̄)ノ
Sammen med Katalin

Jeg glæder mig sygt meget, mest til at se Streetlight Manifesto live!
Det bliver så fedt.

Og jeg skal have lyserøde Dr. Martens :D

Jeg håber ikke det kommer til at regne for meget.


Less Than Jake

...var super fede :D

Der var en virkelig god stemning, og jeg dansede rigtig meget.
Dog blev jeg mast og smadret rigtig meget op af scenen (som lige var i skridt-højde), da der var nogle meget.. ivrige over-20årige mænd lige bag mig. Og så stod jeg også lige der hvor alle der ville stage-dive kravlede op hele tiden.
(Men det var sjovt at se dem der ikke blev grebet ordenligt falde 8D)

Jeg elsker ham der spiller trækbasun, han var sygt kær ( ≧ ▽ ≦ )

Opvarmingsbandet, Guttermouth, var også ret fede. Musikken var lidt ensformig og kedelig, men de havde sygt meget energi, og da da ikke var så mange mennesker ved scenen der, kunne man både danse og moshe ordenligt :D

Bagefter tog vi hjem til Eddie og drak, stenede og legede, det var super hyggeligt.


Min moster og hendes kæreste har givet mig 400kr i tidlig julegave, så jeg har nogle penge at bruge i London :D !
Og min mor vil også give mig penge med så jeg selv kan købe min julegave, yay.

Jeg glæder migmeget, Streetlight Manifesto bliver fantastiske ☆

I aften er der Less Than Jake koncert.
Det er lidt ærgerligt at jeg ikke kan komme til CG's julefest, men jeg vil hellere til koncert.

What to wear? D:


Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil


Og jeg havde så meget respekt for hende ._.

Hun var så sej ~


Emo/whine/rant post

Iih, jeg hader at cykle i skole i regnvejr ( ;; ̄ 3  ̄)
Især fordi at busserne og bilerne kører så tæt på cykelstien at de hele tiden plasker vand fra rendestenen op på en D:

Min far ringede i dag og fortalte at skat/moms/whatever havde taget Katalins og min pakke, og selvom de ikke havde krævet noget skat, fulgte der en dejlig regning på 150kr for ekspeditions gebyr med pakken. ARGH!! D:
Men det er nok eBay sælgerens skyld, for han/hun havde skrevet værdien på pakken som 18$, men vi betalte kun 7$ i alt.

Og oven i det, så har min far bihulebetændelse, so vi kunne ikke tage i svømmehallen i dag, hvilket jeg havde glædet mig sygt til.

*emo emo emo*

Positive stuff:
Mine jordbærstrømper ankom uden problemer
3 dage til Less Than Jake koncert
9 dage til London
Jeg har endelig fundet et sted at købe prikkede strømer! :D (Som jeg så nok ikke skal købe alligevel, for jeg gider ikke betale 150kr i ekspeditionsgebyr til Skat, bah *moar emo*)
Sex and the City julekalender


Gammel elevdag

Jeg var oppe på min efterskole fra i går til i dag.

Fuck, det var underligt. Sådan en kæmpe pærevælling af følelser. På en gang både helt fantastisk vidunderligt og helt ekstremt sørgeligt. At man kan være så meget en del at et fællesskab, og føle sig så ensom på en gang.

Orh, jeg savner det bare så meget ( ;; A ; )

Og det var uhyggeligt så hurtigt at det bare føltes helt naturligt at være der. Som om det bare var den gamle hverdag igen, når klokken ringede og der var mad, eller da vi sad oppe i opholdsstuen, eller til husmødet.


Tro mig når jeg siger til dig
det største - det ser man kun i det små.
Og kigger du opad er himlen blå.

Fra Linedanser, vores sang.
Jeg tror næsten ikke jeg kan synge den sang uden at græde, og så skulle Mathies og Andreas selvfølgelig spille Carlos' sang bagefter.
Min mascara svier virkelig meget når man får den i øjnene (;; T AT) meh.

(og så regnede det selvfølgelig og var gråt da vi tog hjem, hvor kliche-agtigt er det?)



man bliver jo helt sulten


lol, extrem snitte



Hellektro party

Just got home from Tokyo nihgt at Faust.
Still kinda drunk, osrry bout teh sprlling.

Anywaym, it was so much fun!!
I met up wiht Maikn, Ida and Laila, and we went to teh club. It snowed so much!
Wa drank lots of shots, and we also met many nicee people :D
But the free sushi was gross though.
And tehre was so nany SC3N3KIDZZZZH. gosh.

I'm still so gklad i went, goodnight.


AP Chandelier JSK

I'll probably have to kill for this dress.
(Her socks are fugly though D: )



This is pretty god damn awesome.


Also, in media class we'll be working with films by Kubrick, that's god damn awesome too ~


Chupa chups hairclip

I've found my dream item!

I would kill for this hairclip ;A;;

ドキドキ☆ワクワク♪ and Rolling Star

I'm addicted to these songs right now ;A;;

Also, for the lulz:



100 posts!

POST NO. 100!!
c00l 8D

Anyway, i dag var jeg i Roskilde til Matildes fødselsdags-hygge.
Det var helt vildt rart at se så mange Smededal piger samlet

Tog dog hjem her til aften, da jeg skal på Lousiana med Kitte (og hendes mor og min mor) og se manga-udstillingen i morgen.
Det bliver hyggeligt, og det er også hendes (og Zandras) fødselsdag :D

Mor havde nogle af dem der hjalp os med at flytte, til middag i dag, og Arja (hendes veninde) gav mig en flakse underligt vin med rødt velour på flasken. Den er så underlig, men den er rar at ae x3;;
(og nu har jeg sygt meget alkohol på mit værelse, eftersom jeg også har en flaske vodka og 2 øl tilbage fra sommerhus-turen. ohmy, folk må tænke alkoholiker)


icky autumn

Uff, the weather sucks !

ヽ`、ヽ(;; ̄ 3 ̄)ヽ`、ヽ`、

Rain rain rain moar rain.
And it's so cold and dark too!

Good thing I found a pretty coat a few weeks ago! Even though it's black, I love it a lot

I also have a nice beanie hat to keep my ears warm.
Now I only need gloves and boots (and more legwarmes, cuzzz you can never get enough legwarmers
When Katalin (and her family) and I are going to London, I'm getting these:

My first Dr. Martens ☆
I can't wait ~ !

Oh, and J-popcon last weekend was so much fun!
Maybe I'll write about it later.



jkfldjfngnskjdfd,fm23k4uw89adjksa, ARGH

Det er altså bare lidt for tideligt ~

Men men men, Katalin og jeg skal måske se Streetlight Manifesto to gange i London :D


hvem har malet himlen sort
det er noget emo lort
men jeg tror den fik sit skær
fra de black-metallere der
la la lu la lu la lej...

pffth, jeg ved ikke hvorfor jeg lige pludselig fik den i hjernen, men det var en sang Kata, Zandra, Stine og jeg lavede på Roskilde Festival.

OD forløb godt, jeg var med 5 andre fra klassen ude et rigtig godt sted. De var enormt søde, og vi fik sygt meget pizza
Og jeg mener vi fik 40.000 ind, så det er alt det papir-arbejde værd.

I morgen er der så Natværk. Selvom jeg endnu ikke ved om jeg kan komme (j-popcon), så er jeg virkelig glad for at jeg har været med til at arrangere det.
Det er fedt at man kan være med til noget så stort (:

and just for the lulz:





OD, Natværk og Jpopcon

På fredag er der både natværk og Jpopcon.


Jeg vil begge dele, det er virkelig nederen ikke at hjælpe til på fredag, jeg har glædet mig til Jpopcon i et år, det er bare ikke hver dag man er med til at arrangere en stor koncert, at misse en dag på Jpopcon, at være VIP-halløj, jeg ved simpelthen ikke hvordan jeg gør endnu, ævævæv.

Det ender nok med at jeg stresser sygt og gør begge dele.


I dag skrev Johan og jeg (og lidt Amalie) 7815235415420 mennesker (eller nok nærmere 100-130) ind på od-online.dk, det var ret nederen, men nu har jeg faktisk bidraget med noget, hvilket føles godt.

Men folk, og især 1.x, er godt nok nogle spassere,
det er ikke vores skyld at systemet er fucked, takoghavengoddag,freaks:)


(Og btw, så havde jeg den fedeste weekend ever, sommerhus med 1.j <33)



also, this icon is made of win

stolen from glorify on livejournal ~

" :D "


Poupée Girl

Right, Astrid made me make a new Poupée Girl account, and now I'm hooked D:
It's really addicting!

But it's a lot of fun too! ヾ(^∇^)´

poupeegirl fashion brand community

Ma' poupée. Halloween, yay


London + Prague

Right, so I want to tell a bit about me going to London and Prague

I'm going to London i December, probably from Thursday the 11th to Sunday the 14th (Kata, correct me if I'm wrong x3)
I'm going with Katalin and her family (they are so nice
The whole reason for the trip is to see Streetlight Manifesto on the 13th. It's gonna be fucking awesome, I can't wait to see them! And it's my first time in London :D

In the winter vacation I'm going to Prague with 201 other people from my school. So many! :D It's kinda cool because it's arranged by some of the other students, no adults are coming.
And it's also the first time I'm going to Prague

It's kinda strange for me, going to travel so much in such a short period of time, and without my parents. BUT IT'S GONNA BE SO MUCH FUNNNNN, I can't wait!

(And my bento stuff came today, I'm so happy )






I haz new layout/header :D

I'm thinking of changing the colours. Pink? Red? Green? Or as it is now?

oh yeah, my bento stuff was shipped today, yay !


Because Sascha uploaded her pictures really quick, I stole this from her 8D
Group picture

DLF meet-up + Tivoli

Today was funnnnn :D

First there was the Danish Lolitas autumn meet-up.
We met at 13:30 on the main train station (i was a little late, stupid bus), and walked to Glyptoteket (museum).
Honestly, that was a little boring, I don't mind museums, but at a meet-up. Kinda wtf are we doing here?
But it was still fun because of all the awezzum' people
Dinner was originally planned to be around 6pm I think, but at around 3.30(?) we went to Wagamama and ate there. I think it was a good thing, I was hungry :D
I had teriyaki salmon soba, and it was so delicious ♥
But not near as delicious as my dessert,
crème brûlée with mango sorbet. OGMYGAWDZZ, it was amazing
And I got a 50% discount on the bill because of my student card

Anyway, at 5:30 I left and went to Tivoli with mom. I love Tivoli when it's Halloween, it's so pretty. Ecpecially when it gets dark.
So mom and I walked around and drank hot chocolate, and I got a cute red knitted beanie with a pom on top
(=♥ ω ♥=)

That's all, bye ~



My Japanese learning system is perverted D:


I don't think I've mentioned this before, but ohmygawd I love this JSK to pieces!
Especially the black and antique white ♥

It's really one of my dream dresses, and it so depressing, because I can actually fit in to it XD
I've loved it ever since it came out, but it's not until recently i actually looked at the measurements.
But there's no way I can afford it, I'm saving for the Prague and London trips (ohei, i haven't told you, I'M GOING TO PRAGUE AND LONDON :D more 'bout this some other time).

When I have the money for it, I'll rape egl_comm_sales, Yahoo! Auctions and Mbok 'til I find it (;; ゚ Д゚) !
Yesterday i bought some bento stuff ! `(
Yay, with strawberries on ♥

Matching box and belt (
・ω ~ )

I also bought some candy and some cute sauce bottles (one of them is a pandaaaaa) ~

I'm thinking of joining Laila's Gal-sa, but i can't really decide
(; ̄ 3 ̄)


wonderful world

Today was awsum' :)

Earlier I hung out with Katalin and Ida in Kongens Have (park). Very drank some beers, ate some food, chilled ~

Then I went home, ate dinner with mom and her friend, and then I went to a party at August's . It was nice, but it was like half-dead the whole time, so Line, Sille, Signe and I, and some of August's friends went home about an hour ago.
I'm really sleepy, so I didn't mind going home early :)

Also, I'm pretty shocked/sad/happy about Miyavi's recent changes. I actually don't know how I feel about it yet, but I'm really glad I got to see him with the KAVKI BOIZ live.
And you know.. As long as he's happy ♥
(But his piercings were sp damn sexy ._. )



ohmy, these days i'm kinda obsessed with TrackMania. lolololl, it's so much funnn.
i'll have to remember to punch dad in the face, he's the one who got me in to this.

seriosly, try it, it's FUN :DDDD

oh, and today i've been tha biggest keyboard spaz in the whole world, writing this took me 5 minuts, srsly. gosh.


jeg tror mit yndlings sted i hele verden, er når jeg står helt op op af hegnet og venter på at en koncert går i gang.



... waz FRIGGIN' awezum' :D !

I met up with Laila, and we went to the concert hall together. There we met Anna, Sascha, Akatsuki, Maria and lots of other nizzle people. Josefine/Dims, a girl i used to go to demonstrations and hang out with, also joined us, and she was just as cute as back in the old days :D

The doors were opened, and i got the best spot ever, in the front row, just in the middle. Oh, AND THERE WAS A SIGN SESSION, and i got a poster signed and shaked hands with MUCC while Laila and Josefine held my spot in ze hall. Aww, the band was so cute and nice (ノ ´ ∀ `)ノ ♥

First, some kinda warm-up band played, and they were kinda cool, throwing all kinds of merch to the crowd. Laila caught a hoddie.
Then Horse The Band played, and they were pretty cool too. The guy on keyboard looked like Napoleon Dynamite just more psychopathic. And the bass guy was so crazy and wild, he was awesome.

Tatsurou's voice was great, better than i thought it would be live, and his outfit was so stylish. Actually, all their outfits were really stylish ☆ I really like how they were all barefooted.
And YUKKE was (of course) fucking awesome. *fangirlzm*
They played FUZZ, which is my second favorite MUCC song :D

After MUCC, Story of the Year played, and Laila, Josefine and i went to the tribune to see them. They were ok, but they kinda reminds me of Bullet for My Valentine ( ;;゚Д゚)

While As I Lay Dying played, i went home. I had an headache, and i wasn't deadly interested in As I Lay Dying nor Atreyu.

I also bought this really cool t-shirt.

I'm not a Horse the Band fan, but i thought it was cool. And their guitarist gave me a 50kr discount! ( ⌒ ▽⌒) ♥


I've been practicing photomanipulation for a short while. It's fun.
I've just finished this, it took me about 1½ hour.
Inspired by this photo set by aiko273 and halloween.

Stock images from here and here, thank you :D


Tonight is the Taste of Chaos Tour concert ~ !
I'll mainly go to see MUCC, but i think some of the other bands could be interesting too.

But... I'm not really that excited about it
It's not like i don't want to go, but i wouldn't mind if the concert were next week instead.

Oh well, it's probably gonna be fun


Toy Box was totally my favorite band in the late 90's (note: i was 7-8 years old) 8D 8D 8D

..and people says japanese pop music is crazy ~

autumn vacation

Friday: MUCC/Taste of Chaos concert, and maybe culture night in CPH. Akatsuki, Maria and Ida are sleeping at my place.
Saturday: My family will come to celebrate ma' birthday
Monday: Visiting Ole's grav and eat japanese food with Kitte
Thursday: Maybe attending some party with around 400 people
Friday: Danish Lolita Meet-up
Saturday: Opening party in Ungdomshuset

+ Throw a Halloween/birthday party for the girls, visit dad, relax moar, sew a Halloween costume +++




Today is my birthday.
Seventeen, that's just way to close to eighteen.

But today was fucking awesome anyway.

Last night, all the girls from my house on Smededal except Nynne, came and we had a sleepover. It was so much fun ♥
Around 2pm today grandpa and grandma came and we had cake. They gave me 300kr :D
Then dad came, and he, mom and I went to a Japanese restaurant. So tasty.

I didn't get anything big from mom and dad, because i got my Aspire One laptop last month. But mom is making me a skirt, and dad gave me a small amp and a mixer he got from work for free.

Next week the rest of my family will come for a birthday party.



1.J 1.J 1.JJJJJJJ!!!!
so, today was the 'bogstavsmiddag' (letterdinner), which was a dinner/party 1.J, 2.J and 3.J attended. It was so much fun, there was great food, dancing, cheap beer, nice people and funny contests.
when it was over most of the peeps went to a party somewhere else, but after chillin' a bit i went home. kinda lame, but i have many things to do tomorrow.

i tried more instant pudding today, but i didn't like the taste. i think i'm gonna give up on instant pudding D: !

(and sorry for never updating)


Moar pudding!

Today i bought this instant-pudding in the polish convenience-store, AND IT WORKED! :D

It doesn't have that much flavour, but it's still delicious.


The polish instant-pudding was..



The raspberry one didn't get thick, and the chocolate one haz absolutely no taste.

BUT! Tomorrow i'll try buying another brand, i'm not giving up on this!

I bought chocolate and raspberry pudding in a polish store.
It looks very yummy, but i don't know how to prepare it, since the instructions is in polish D:

I'll try and see what happens! `( A 3A)´


Densha Otoko


I've just watched the final episode of Densha Otoko! It was fucking amazing <333
I don't think i've ever cried so much to any TV (;; = w = ) At the end, i felt like there was no water left in my body.

GL$O#F2%?ARGH!!, i can't express how much i love that drama <3

The picture is my plushie, which squeed SO hard during most of the episode. Sorry Sofus D: <3


...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh `( = 0 = ;)´

right now, i have latin.
normally, i like latin, but i'm sooo tired today, i just wanna go home and sleeeeep D: !!!1!

..and i'm hungry too.
we haz noodles at home, yayayay :D



okay, first update in forever. garh, sorry D:

these days my life seems very miserable.
i wake up
i go to school
i come home from school
i sleep a little
i do my homework
i eat
i do more homework
i go to sleep

well, that's not totally true, yesterday fx i hung out with Katalin and Zandra.
but it feels like it, and i'm just sooooo tired all the time =0=;






It's awesome, i love it.
No moar words needed.

Picture later ~



I've started using Facebook.
It's kinda addicting, and that's scary D:

But ohmygawd, I hate all those annoying games, or whatever they are.
No, I don't think it's funny to send all my friends a Bou or Takeru, nor a burger or a hug.

Anyway, my Acer Aspire One should be delivered today :D !!!
Can't get it at dad's place before Saturday though ~


When doing math homework, coffee and miyavi's music goes very well together ~

Marie visited me today ( > w < *) <3 It was nice because i haven't seen her for a very long time. We went for a walk on the beach ~


i should not

..be listening to music that makes me all melancholic, late at night.


This series is made of pure win :D !

And dad ordered my Acer Aspire One, but maybe i won't get it until next week. MEWANTSNAO ! ~~



Today was Danish Lolitas summer meet-up!
It was a lot of fun :D

The weather was perfect, and people were very nice.
Of course there was some a little annoying 'ZOMFG, RORI IZ SO KAWAII!!1!'-types, but i did expect that.

I wore my pink Metamorphose OP, pink/white striped socks with lace toppings, visible bloomers and platform mary janes.

I REALLY like über cute OMGISTHATAGIANTCUPCAKEOVERTHERE?!-sweet lolita, but i think classic and elegant gothic styles may suit me better.

Will post pictures sometimes soon! :D


Memories and hair

I just viewed almost every single picture on my computer.
That, and listening to Evanescence's old stuff (i really used to like them in 7-9th grade) kinda brings me back.
Despite too much black eyeliner, i was actually prettier than i remembered in 9th grade :D I was also a bit skinnier.

I've noticed it with my drawings too, sometimes i get to focused on what's now, so i forget that what i used to do in the past maybe looked better.

I want to go back to the hair length i had around christmas. I also want looong hair.
Dilemma D:
Probably gonna cut my hair shorter and then buy some extensions when i can afford.
I'm also gonna dye it back to pillabox red, but i'm to broke to afford hair dye atm ~~

I'm at this family thing. We haz cake <3

Yesterdag and today our class went on a trip about two hours away from Copenhagen. It was so much fun :D

And there was Nutella for breakfast ~


Today some students from Korea visited us in English, to learn about our education system. They were sooo cute ! (Not cute as in hot, they weren't really good looking) They were very humble and shy, and at the end of the class they gave us each a pair of chopsticks! AWWW ~~
And i hugged one of them :D

After school some of us went to Kongens Have (The Kings' Park).
I climbed trees with Frederik and ate cake.


My love for different fashion styles always seems to come in periods.
Right now i'm having a 80's popgirl look/SPANK!/Fairy-kei obsession once again.

But it's good, it always motivates me to sew new big bows, and i need moar bows :D

This ice-tea is fucking great! And it's two for 10DKK, soooo cheap ~



ASUS Eee PC 900


Acer Aspire One

i'm having trouble deciding, but i'm probably gonna go with ze Acer Aspire One.



i fucking hate billetlugen.dk !
i bought my TOCT/MUCC ticket last month, and then they or the post office or something screwed up, so i didn't get my ticket, and now i have to pay for a new one.
fucking cunts.

i'm seriously broke these day, i don't have 375 something DKK to pay for a new one.

anyway, party tonight, party tomorrow :D
(but almost no money for booze) ~


new myspace layout, yay :D

also, i'm gonna get an ASUS Eee 900 laptop next month, for school and such. it's so small and cute, 8.9" screen only. actually, i would prefer the 901 which should be coming to denmark in less than a month, but it's a bit too expensive D:

it's gonna be great not having to take notes on paper, which i'll accidentally throw away anyway ~



My new school is kinda awesome :D
I reallyreallyreally didn't want to start, and the first days i didn't really like it. But after this week, and especially yesterdays party, i don't mind going there for the next three years.

Yesterday was the first graders 'Color-party' :D Our class was purple, and we all looked good. And the afterparty at Nis' place was so much fun ~ !
Naked/underwear run ftw 8D


The City Ignites

"It’s a midnight swim, where it is late and the air is all clear.
And I remember that evening, you on the floor, I was attached to the ceiling.
Look behind, that glass in your mouth, these words I am due for.
The sun will set tonight on all the lonely dreamers, only to rise again so we can start it over.
And you were right when you whispered in my ear and it all became so clear.
It’s gonna be alright, everything will be alright even if the city ignites.
Look behind, that glass in your mouth, these words I am due for.
The sun will set tonight on all the lonely dreamers, only to rise again so we can start it over, start it again
Now to get back to the room where there’s windows as large as the city
The sun will set tonight on all the lonely dreamers, only to rise again so we can start it over, start it again"
The City Ignites - 36 Crazyfists

I'd forgotten all about this song, but now i remember how much i like it.

I scream...

...ice-cream. This italian cherry ice-cream is really yummy ( A wA) <3 om nom nom ~

The weather is really annoying right now, one second it's sunny and nice, and the next it's raining like hell D:


08.08.08 - Julie P's birthday party
09.08.08 - Parrrty at my place
10.08.08 - Funambulist show with mom [note: FRIGGIN' AMAZING !!]
11.08.08 - Shopping with Ida
12.08.08 - Starting at Christianshavns Gymnasium, housewarming at Zandra's place

I like writing these, it makes me feel i'm not wasting my life.

Christianshavns Gymnasium
i'm dead lucky and happy i got in, but i have absolute NO motivation to start. buh D:


Today is Julie P's birthday party~! I was gonna bake her a cake, but our oven is out of function, so i bought her chocolate instead.

I'm wearing my panda kigurumi, and some lady just walked up to me and said how much she loved my style. I'm glad i can make people happy on this rainy day! o(Aw A)o

(also when it's raining!)


i need..

changes in my life.

the thing is, right now and in the nearest future there are and will be BIG fucking changes in my life.

hell, my year on smededal is over, and this tuesday i'm starting christianshavns gymnasium (secondary education), and i've just moved in to a new apartment.
i would call that changes.

yes, but no. i feel like i'm already back in my old routine, and i feel like getting away from it. i want vacation, problem is right now is my fucking summer vacation.

i think in need to travel, vacation at home just isn't enough. i wanna get away, i wanna clear my head before starting school again.
i'm thinking i wanna save some money up and go to berlin during the autumn break. amanda and i could go, and stay at her dad's apartment, or my dad's friends apartment. bus tickets are cheap, and so is living if you want it to be.
that would be nice, i wish i could do it now.


Japanese fashion

It's funny.
When i started browsing hel-looks.com back in 05 i would think all the people in Japanese inspired outfits were stylish shit. n00b, i know.
But still, i kinda miss it. Back then, Japanese fashion was a whole new world to me, and there was so much to explore. I remember spending hours and hours on the egl, fruits and d_e_c_o_r_a communities on LJ, arbsobing everything like a sponge. -I still read new post 'n stuff (mostly EGL comm though) but it's just not... an amazing adventure anymore.
When i want to learn new now, I'll have to really dig for it. And yes, it makes learning more exciting, but also much harder. Most deep articles aren't exactly easy reading ~


Thiz is oldskool ~

Dad found his old orange jeans in the black of his closet. They're kinda big on me, but awesome anyway 8D
Too bad it's too hot for jeans these days.



Europa tours

Kagrra. EU Tour
MUCC Rockstar Tour of Chaos EU Tour
LM.C Eu Tour
Exist†Trace EU Tour

fuck mann, i'm gonna be SO broke this year ~

Muffin ~

When it's 6am and you've been drinking and haven't slept all night, all you need is a blueberry muffin from 7eleven.



Summer! ~

Today it's such a nice weather! <3 unfortunately, i slept most of the day =3=;;

Mom and i made pineapple-mango-banana smoothie today. So yummy! <3


Apparently EVERYBODY who lives in Copenhagen is going to watch The Black Knight tonight.
..Including me, mom invited me :D

Anyway, we painted my room today. I didn't know ceilings was so fucking hard to paint. i guess that is what painters are for
I still got paint on my feets D:


Today i tried dressing gyaru-ish.
I think i failed (* = 3=)

Oh well, i still looked fabulous 8D


When i was a kid, this was my favorite band. Found this in a supermarket, i can't believe they're still trying to sell that shit XD
My sweet lolita obsession is back ~
It's funny, for a long time lolita was pretty much out of my life, but this past month i've been drooling over Angelic Pretty. I've always loved their stuff, and checked their site often, but right now it's extreme.
Also, i really wanna do decora-lolita at j-popcon 08.
Someone at DanishLolitas has this dress for sale.

It's only 500kr, so i think i'm gona buy it. Normally i don't like OPs that much, but this one is pretty. Though, i'm not sure i'll fit into it D:


Deco-den ~

I wanna re-decorate my phone.
Something like this:

However, i don't think i'm skilled enough for that `(U = U*)´
But i'll do my best! :D


i miss ye old days when there were at least some nice post.

Can it really be there's no good decora community on livejournal anymore?
i guess decora_ted is sorta active, but it sucks ass.

i did a search, and the only thing i found, which i don't remember looking at before, was a 'decora handbook' full of over analyzing crap. "decora can't wear baggy clothes" ..wanna bet? pfft.

home ~

I'm home ~ !
We were only away for 3 days, but it felt much longer.

We were planning on traveling around the whole week, but we decided to go home today. It wasn't fun when we didn't had a target `( U = U)´

Day 1:
We started at 8 in the morning where the motorway stars in Copenhagen. It did not take long before we were picked up by a man who were able to drive us all the way to Odense. Unfortunately, his GPS were very strange, so we took a detour all the way to Lolland (= A =);;
After staying for a few hours in Odense, we decided to go to Vejle, Ølsted where Charlie lives. So we picked up a ride with a lady to a motorway exit, where we stood for a long time. Finally, a man picked us up, and drove us a little longer, very close to the Little Belt Bridge. Then, after less than two minutes, an old very cool man picked us up in his small truck, and drove us to the other side of the bridge. After standing there for an hour, we got a ride with a 3x34 truck, and the man was very friendly and drove us all the way to Charlie's house! Charlie's friend was there too, and Charlie's mom gave us something to eat ( A 0 A)

Day 2:
After eating, taking a bath and chilling at Charlie's house, we walked outside the town(it's very small) to get a ride to Vejle. I think it took about half an hour. Then we ate pizza in Vejle, and walked around for a bit. After some time, we walked outside town, up a very long hill, and hitched a ride. We were going to Kolding, where a girl called Camilla would let us sleep at her place :D The couple we were driving with drove us to a little outside Kolding, where we got a new ride with a very cool young lady. She drove us all the way to the train station, where we met Camilla. Unfortunately, i forgot my Smededal sweater in the young lady's car D: !! So after we dumped our stuff at Camilla's place, we went out looking for it. Fortunately, when driving with the young lady, she mentioned the street she lived on when driving down it. After searching for a long time in the rain, Katalin noticed the young lady's car, and i got my sweater back. SO lucky! <3
Then we watched Gothika at Camilla's, and went to sleep.

Day 3:
We ate breakfast at Camilla's house (Nutella! <3), and then we walked downtown Kolding. After sitting for a while outside Fakta, we decided to go to the train station, to go to the toilet, and to see how much a ticket to Copenhagen would cost. Then we decided on taking the train home, and arrived at Copenhagen around 4pm. Yes, we are lame, we know (T A T*)´

But it was a nice trip anyway :D <3
Next year we're hitchhicking to Amsterdam in panda kigurumi 8D


Katalin and I is going on a hitchhiking tour to Jutland starting from today. This is how i'll start our adventures. Chocolate milk and yogurt whith pineapple, banana and passion-fruit(?) and musli `( O w O)' yum!

If you are driving towards Jutland, please pick us up! >w<



lately i've been drinking lots of smoothie. so tasty o(> w <)o
today i made peach smoothie. yummy!

alice nine.'s new PV RAINBOWS, i love it.
i've been waiting for it for a long time, but i wasn't able to see it before this monday D:
i find Shou's glasses funny, because you could buy them EVERYWHERE on Roskilde Festival. i think they are silly (T A T);


Today i'm going to the dentist. I think it's gonna be painfull >3<;; But i wanna continue having pretty teeth.

I bought a new cellphone charm. I think it's very cute, even though i'm not a Hello Kitty fanatic -w-;; I like San-x characters better. My dream is to decorate my room whith Tarepanda, but that is way too expensive `( T A T)'



Today i rented napoleon dynamite and bought ritter sport chocolate. So tonight i'm gonna relax in my bed -w- <3

And today i also found my bunny hair clip which have been gone for almost a year.


i'm home

..and i'm clean.
roskilde 08' was hella fun `( A w A)´
it's weird it's over though. it means smededal is over too. fuck, i means i'll have to sleep alone every night. i'm gonna fucking miss sleeping besides nynne and freja.

smededal 07/08 <3
it's amazing how much a year can change.


The Anti-flag show was fucking dope~
I got my tee signed by two of them, and the lead singer said he will party at the camping area tonight. I wanna fucking party whit Anti-flag 8D

Gosh, i could use a slush-ice now -w-;;

Anyway, going home tomorrow D: gonna be nice with a bath though


Nom nom ~

Today i had cold noodle salad whith chicken. So tasty >w< <3

Roskilde is so much fun! I'm very tired all the time though D:



Skaters are fucking hot 8D

Roskilde 08' <3



This is...

heaven <3
And now i'm gonna take i bath 8D


roskilde 08'
i'm having a lot of fun :D


Roskilde ~

In line for Roskilde festival :D gonna be so much fun, with all the peeps from smededal <3


so fucking sad, especially around 03:04, whatever, when the crowds starts singing along, and you can see both the crowd and the band is crying.

last lives are one of the saddest thing in the world.

gosh, i'm so fucking emotional today. fuck ~


Back ~

Waiting for the train. Hello Copenhagen, goodbye Berlin.

I don't think I can express these feelings whith words. When something you've been looking forward to and thinking about every day for a half year is over. When you've had one of the best experiences in your life. When you keep holding tears back.
... I sound so pathetic right now, shoot me.

Thank you everyone who was a part of making this something I'll never forget. Thank you for making this an expirierence of a lifetime.

Miyavi in Berlin 22.06.08 ~


Berlin ~

Leaving for Berlin in two hours. Gonna be so much fun!
I love airports <3

This choco ice blend is the best, so tasty =(O wO)~